• April 4, 2024

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    We enjoyed our plant swap this year. Since everyone is so busy making Cups of Joy and swapping plants, we do not have many photos. But we do have photos of our delivery to Northside Hospital Maternity for mothers on long term bed rest before giving birth.

    Volunteers giving our beautiful Cups of Joy to appreciative recipients!
    One of the delivered Cups of Cheer.

  • March 2024 Meeting

    Parterres to Parties: Elements of Garden Design

    Bill Smith joins us to talk about Parterres. He is a Landscape Architect who specializes in residential garden design. He attended the University of Georgia, earning a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from the School of Environmental Design. He is registered in the state of Georgia, is a member of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), and is principal of William T. Smith and Associates in Atlanta.

    His commissions include the Georgia Governor’s Mansion and residences throughout the Southeast, both large and small. Mr. Smith has lectured to many organizations including the George H. W. Bush Presidential Librarythe State Botanical Garden of Georgia, the University of Georgia and Callaway Gardens, and his gardens have appeared in several national publications. Currently, he serves on the Board of Trustees of the Cherokee Garden Library in Atlanta. Additionally, his work has been listed among the Gardens of the Smithsonian Institution, under the auspices of the Garden Club of America, and his first Atlanta garden was seen on the nationally televised program “The Victory Garden.” His designs not only include landscape master plans, but also garden furnishings such as benches, planters and trellises…indeed whatever allows a garden to be truly individual for his clients.

    An avid gardener, he enjoys growing and experimenting with a variety of perennials and flowering shrubs in his own gardens in Atlanta, Georgia and Highlands, North Carolina. https://williamtsmithgardens.com/

  • February 2024 Meeting

    Growing and Using Herbs

    We couldn’t have had a better speaker to learn about herbs. We were excited to welcome such a highly esteemed HorticulturistProfessor and Author. And we learned so much from her.
    Geri speaks extensively, including shows such as Good Morning America, NPR and the Monthly Radio Garden Segments (WABE) City Café’ with John Lemley. She’s is published as well – contributing to Allan Armitage’s App “Armitage’s Great Garden Plants” by writing the Herb entries but more importantly has an Award-winning book “Tussie-Mussies” (Workman Publishing) along with editing numerous journals over the years.
    She is a founding member across important garden organizations including the Georgia Master Gardener program, and the Atlanta Chapter of The Herb Society of America

    Ingrid, Speaker Geri Laufer and Carrie
    Delicious food
    Welcome back Jan
    Minnie Bob
    Veronica and Janie
    Sara and Collette
    Elaine and Nancy

  • January 2024 Meeting

    Our very own Chris Adams will be speaking to us Thursday, covering the topic: “The Joy of Garden Travel”. It is a collection of gardens from 5 different countries. Each country for a special reason, each one quite different from the others, highlighting several gardens from that country.

  • Fig Leaf 2023

    A very successful Fig Leaf Project for 2023! Many thanks to all who contributed.

    Toni Stoughton, Clanci Jordan and Kate Dalba delivered the fleece throws to the Mary Hall Freedom Village. Kristen Posey was thrilled with the amount of throws that SSGC had donated. 

    Carrie and Toni with the throws ready to deliver to The Mary Hall Freedom Village

  • December 7, 2023 Holiday Luncheon

    On Thursday December 7th, our club gathered at the Cherokee Town and Country Club to celebrate the holidays. It was a fun lunch and time to just be together. Fleece throw blankets were collected for the Mary Hall Freedom Village for our Fig Leaf project. What a great way to end the year.

  • November 2023 Meeting

    We welcomed our very own SSGC Talent to motivate our decorating spirit for the Holidays.

    Maidee Spencer demonstrated Transitional Table Arrangements, Anne Sherwood demonstrated Three Petite Arrangements in Mint Julep Cups AND also Easy Bow Making and Shelly Mulick demonstrated a Dinner Table Arrangement. They each demonstrated and shared their thoughts on composing their holiday arrangement along with tips and tricks. It was an interactive meeting so we were all able to ask questions of each designer. What talent we have in SSGC!

  • Dogwood District Luncheon 2023

    The Dogwood District Annual Luncheon was held on October25, 2023 at the beautiful Dunwoody Country Club. The Sandy Springs garden club was well represented at the annual meeting. Our club was again recognized as a Club of Excellence. Good job ladies. And our own Chris Adams, former Dogwood District Director, was awarded the Dogwood District Women of the Year trophy.

    Cindy Ruegsegger and Kathleen Muecci set up their engraved bricks donation information
    Sandy Springs Garden Club Representatives-l-r Kathleen Muecci, Janie Webb, Minnie Bob Campbell,Carrie Grayson, Cindy Ruegsegger, Maidee Spencer, and Chris Adams

  • October 5, 2023 Meeting

    We had a lovely meeting on October 5th at the Bluestone Building. Speaker Donna Whitesel Topic: Cool Season Flowers Beyond Pansies

    After moving 11 times, Donna has gardened in just about all of the planting zones in the US. including Georgia, New York, Michigan, Tennessee and beyond. She experienced the heartbreak of leaving a perennial garden so lovingly planted or packing the moving van just before the hollyhocks bloomed. But along the way, she gathered knowledge and experience to take to the next place. Of course, the next place had a whole new set of requirements for gardening!

    Donna has completed the master gardener program, first in Florida, then Nebraska, and finally in Fulton County GA. She was collecting Master Gardener certificates, it seemed. Recently, she was president of North Fulton Master Gardeners after being a member for 8 years.

    Currently, Donna is interested in incorporating native plants into garden designs to promote biodiversity in our yards and neighborhoods. A recent trip to Scotland to tour gardens was especially inspiring. Always learning, Donna is excited to see what’s next. 🌼

    Speaker Donna Whitesel and her demonstration plants
    Fall Food to enjoy
    Julie, Donna,Carrie and Ingrid

  • Wine in the Garden 2023

    What a beautiful October night we had for Wine in the Garden at the home of Sarah and David McKenney. The weather could not have been more prefect for and evening enjoying their beautiful garden. It was also a great opportunity to kick off our Fundraiser. For more photos see the Wine in the Garden 2023 Album.

    Mary and our hostess Sarah
    Ginny, Janie, Susan, Collette and Chris
    Annette, Carrie, Julie and Kate
    Cindy explains our upcoming brick fundraiser and where the bricks will be used in the Library Reading Garden
    Landscape Architect Molly shows Kathleen and Julie the plan for the Library Reading Garden

  • September 7, 2023 Meeting

    We had a busy first meeting of the year. Several of our past presidents were in attendance, Minnie Bob Campbell, Lib Thompson and Maidee Spencer. We welcomed Alex Beasley from Trees Atlanta as our speaker. We then had our business meeting that included the installation of our new board for 2023-2025. Members received their new member directories. We also honored Cary for her two years as president and she has signed on for another two year!

    We welcomed Alex Beasley from Trees Atlanta on 9/7.
    Minnie Bob Campbell, Lib Thompson, and Maidee Spencer.
    Janie Webb distributes our beautiful new yearbook.
    Carrie accepts a gift from the club for her past two years as president from Minnie Bob.
    2023-2025 Board for Sandy Springs Garden Club